About the Association
The Association of Hungarian Film Directors was founded in March 2019, and its main task is to represent and protect the professional interests of Hungarian film directors. The Association is a member of the Federation of European Film Directors (FERA), a European umbrella organization.

The main objectives of the Association:
The primary objective of the Association is to establish and operate a forum for effectively representing the interests of feature film directors. It provides legal representation to film directors on a case-by-case basis.
The long-term goal of our organization is to unite the widest possible range of feature film directors and to have an impact on relevant legislation and the application of the law. Our Association is committed to developing and improving the conditions for the application of copyright and other legal regulations affecting the profession, to protect members’ copyright and other legal interests, to promote fairer remuneration for directors, and to draft contracts for its members.
The Association represents its members’ interests in professional matters before the decision-making bodies of the television and film industries. It seeks to provide professional and legal support for first-time film directors.
It is committed to active participation in the professional support and funding system of Hungarian feature films and to representing the interests of the profession.
Törekszik a magyar játékfilm támogatói rendszerében való aktív részvételre és szakmai érdekképviseletre.
It liaises and cooperates with professional and cultural organizations active in related professional fields and articulates its position on ethical issues affecting its members. It strives to foster an ongoing dialogue between film directors and representatives of related professions on professional and artistic issues, thereby contributing to the development of the Hungarian film profession and the art of film.
As stipulated by law, the Association does not engage in any direct political activity, is independent of political parties, and neither provides financial support to them, nor accepts it from them.
Ágnes Kocsis was elected president by the founding general assembly, and Ibolya Fekete, Szabolcs Hajdu, Yvonne Kerékgyártó, and Károly Ujj Mészáros currently serve as board members.